Monthly Archives: December 2015

December 3, 2015
Passing First Time Doesn’t Make You A Safe Driver

Those who take three attempts to pass their driving test are the safest drivers on the road. By contrast, ‘overly confident’ motorists who pass their driving test first time around are most likely to be in an accident. That is because they seem to be more ‘rash’ in their behaviour and take more risks compared to more cautious drivers who may fail at their first attempt, a new report has revealed.

The report by LV= car insurance also found that those who have to take their driving test multiple times before passing are less likely to be pulled over for drink-driving or dangerous driving.

The study looked at the driving records of those who passed after one, two, three or four or more driving tests. Researchers said they uncovered a connection between the number of times a driver takes his or her practical driving test and the likelihood of being involved in an incident such as a collision or being caught driving dangerously. This is thought to be down to over-confidence. The report notes that those who fail their first test say it was largely down to nerves and lack of confidence, which while temporarily denying them a licence, ironically means they may be safer once they do pass.

Selwyn Fernandes, managing director of LV= car insurance said that those who pass first time pass because they are confident. By contrast, he said if you fail first time, you could take comfort in the fact that your natural nervousness or caution will serve you well once you get a licence.

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December 2, 2015
Higher Pass Rates For Men

The debate on whether men or women are the best drivers is both long-standing and popular. However, new government figures show that women are far more like to fail their driving tests despite the fact that male drivers are far more likely to go on to be involved in traffic accidents.

The statistics show that female 17-year-old learner was 7% less likely to pass her test first time than a 17-year-old male learner. This figure more than doubled to 15% for those taking their first test at the age of 20, and increased to 25% at 30, 41% at 35, and 50% at the age of 50. Statistics showing pass rates at second and later attempts reflect a similar pattern.

Most view the way the test is conducted as inaccurate not least because of these new findings. Men do better in the test as they tend to deal with the mechanics of driving well yet it is women who seem to have a better appreciate of risk than men. This has led to a number of female pupils becoming quite frustrated at the test as they are good drivers but unable to pass the test.

A spokesman for DVSA stated that all candidates are assessed to the same standard, whether male or female, and the result of their test is entirely dependent on their performance on the day.

On the other hand, when it comes to the theory test, 54% of women pass on any given attempted compared with 48% of men.

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December 1, 2015
Self-Driving Cars As Safe As Granny

The age of the self-driving car is imminent – With autonomous vehicles legally allowed on the roads in US states such as Nevada, it clearly is only a matter of time until they are as commonplace as normal cars.

As Nissan have been testing their self-driving cars on public roads in Japan, the results were astounding – Using complex algorithms and advanced hardware, these vehicles are able to complete a variety of safe driving techniques such as recognising the difference between a red light and a tail light, make turns safely, change lanes on dual carriageways, cross bridges and intersections and even stop if a car brakes abruptly or a person steps out in front of the car.

Some more advanced skills are yet to be programmed in – Such as pulling aside for an ambulance or recognising safe positioning in unclearly-drawn lanes – But one thing is for sure, this is the start of the end of driving as we know it.

Safe driving from Britannia!
