Monthly Archives: October 2016

October 10, 2016
Health Issues and Driving

There are many benefits that come with being a driver; Avoiding the nuisance of public transport, as well as the freedom of being behind the wheel to go wherever you like. However, driving can also come with some downsides too – For example, the health issues that driving may cause.

Being sat down in one position for long periods of time can have adverse health effects – So if you are a driver for a living, or if you regularly take part in long-distance driving, make sure to take regular breaks, and to get some walking done where possible to break up your long journey.

Safe driving from Britannia!


October 9, 2016
Beware Self-Driving Cars

Driving has advanced a lot since its inception over a century ago. From the introduction of traffic lights and the dawn of the driving test, to increasingly new technologies being introduced to the world of motoring almost every day, the old adage is still true; It ain’t what it used to be.

But driving is recently showing more signs of advancements, with the dawn of self-driving cars. Will these be something to look forward to, helping ease the pressure of the morning commute and allowing us to multi-task when behind the wheel? Or, is the autonomous vehicle something to be wary of, something that may bring an end to driving as we know it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Safe driving from Britannia!


October 8, 2016
Driving In A New Car

You know when you are becoming a good driver; Not only does being behind the wheel seem a much less daunting prospect than it used to (Remember being a learner driver?) but you feel more confident and more able out on the roads, and are fully comfortable in whichever car you choose to drive.

But what about when you get a new car? May drivers will say that some of their biggest motoring challenges arise when trying to adjust to a new vehicle, whether this be because of a larger size car, tougher controls, or even when driving on the opposite side of the road when abroad – It can be a challenging process to go through.

Safe driving from Britannia!


October 7, 2016
The End Of Car Experts?

Any person that has been driving regularly for more than a year or two has most likely experienced some form of car trouble – Whether that’s running out of fuel part way through a journey or getting a blown tyre when you least expect it – It is a surprisingly common occurrence for drivers to break down.

But how do you deal with it when that happens? Back in the “good old days”, drivers had to be part mechanic – If you couldn’t change a tyre or a spark plug yourself, you shouldn’t have been out driving. However it seems that nowadays drivers, particularly the younger generation, only ever check their oil once on their “Show Me/Tell Me” part of the driving test, and don’t bother to again.

Is this the end of car experts being behind the wheel? Let us know your thoughts?

Safe driving from Britannia!


October 6, 2016
Booking The Driving Test

As a learner driver, there are various obstacles that might stand in your way on the road to becoming a qualified driver. These might include knowing your stuff for the upcoming theory test, or perhaps even the financial burden of regular driving lessons and learner insurance.

One such obstacle however should never be the act of booking the driving test. Whilst it may be daunting to do, once you have booked the test you will then have a deadline in mind with which to complete your lessons to a high standard, which will give you the encouragement and motivation you need to pass your driving test.

Safe driving from Britannia!


October 5, 2016
Smoking In Cars

When you’re behind the wheel, you’re in charge. That means you get the say of what happens in your car – Whether it’s where you’re driving to, or the route you’re taking, you’re the one who is in control.

That also means putting your rules down about smoking in the car – Whilst it is not illegal to smoke when driving (Unless you have children in the car with you) it is worth considering that holding a cigarette when behind the wheel might affect your concentration, as might a face full of smoke from a passenger when you’re soaring down the motorway.

Safe driving from Britannia!


October 4, 2016
Dangers of Happy Driving

There are a massive number of hazards that can befall you when behind the wheel – From wet weather causing poor road conditions, to unsafe and inconsiderate drivers putting you in danger, you need to be on your best performance when you’re driving out and about.

One danger many aren’t aware of, however, is the effect that happiness has on your driving ability. A recent study suggests that feeling elated when behind the wheel can be equally dangerous as driving when distressed, causing breaks in your concentration that can dangerous actions such as speeding or jumping red lights.

Safe driving from Britannia!


October 3, 2016
Driving in Wetter Weather

We have finally hit that point in the year, where we have to admit that Summer has in fact come to an end, and come to terms with the fact that we are approaching Winter. Whilst this is not all bad news (We still have Christmas to look forward to!), it may mean you have to change your driving style.

Remember that your stopping distance increases in wetter weather, so be sure to be alert and to brake early and gently, and be aware of puddles or leaves on the roads which you will be driving over which might put you at risk.

Safe driving from Britannia!
