ADI Part 3 Top Exam Tips Revealed!

Although the information is available to trainee instructors, the PST26 marking sheets are for the examiners use. You should refer to PST26 marking sheetsto familiarise yourself with the ADI Part 3 exam topics and their component parts as you will have to teach the examiner (SE) one of these topics (PST) on your ADI Part 3 exam.
The ADI Part 3 exam is to assess your ability to teach. The exam lasts 60 minutes and is divided into two phases. Phase one assess your ability to teach a novice or intermediate learner and phase two assess your ability to teach a pupil near driving test standard. The SE will pick one of ten PST marking sheets. A grade 4 or above must be gained in each phase in order to pass the ADI Part 3 exam. You are limited to 3 attempts for ADI Part 3. If you fail 3 times, you will have to wait 2 years from the date you passed your ADI Part 1 before you can begin again. You will then have to retake ADI Part 1, 2 and 3 again.
- Find an experienced ORDIT trainer who is willing to provide you with one-to-one ADI Part 3 training. This is the first and most important step to achieving your ADI Part 3. To win a race a good horse needs the help of a good jockey.
- Become a trainee driving instructor. After passing ADI Part 2 and completing 40 hours of Part 3 training, you will be entitled to apply for a trainee licence (pink). The trainee licence will allow you to teach for 6 months for money. The experience you gain in these 6 months is vital towards helping you to prepare for your ADI Part 3 exam. There is no substitute for experience with real learners and you can practice your Part 3 with them.
- Get the DSA’s PST26 marking sheets-beg, borrow, steel or simply download the marking sheets from Britannia. These are the exam sheets that your brief and performance will be assessed against. The driving faults the SE simulates will be taken from these marking sheets.
- Practice identifying, analysing and remedying your pupils driving faults on every lesson. To pass, you will need to show the SE that you can identify any fault that he/she will simulate. You then need to analyse the fault and rectify it by suggesting remedial action. Any driving fault the SE makes will on the whole relate to the PST that you have been given.
- Practice your ADI Part 3 briefs on appropriate pupils until they become second nature.
- Learn the roads and routes around the test centre. If you happen to use these in your ADI Part 3 exam then it will provide a much better idea of what is approaching.
- Get to know the examiner (SE). At some driving centres where ADI Part 3’s are conducted the SE’s hold “surgeries.” Find out when the next surgery is being held and attend it with a list of queries you need clarifying. This will not only help you clear up points you are not sure about, but will also help you overcome the fear of SE’s – you will be surprised to find that they don’t have two heads. SE’s that hold “surgeries” will give you plenty of help and advice on how to tackle the ADI Part 3 exam.
- First impressions: Make sure your car is clean inside and out. Be well dressed and well groomed. The appearance of you and your vehicle will make a greater impression than anything you say, and that is crucial. Remember-there is no second chance to make a first impression.
- Warm Up: Arrange to have an hour’s ADI Part 3 roll play session around the area of the test centre. This will help you to warm up and get into the swing of things. You will also be aware of any new roadwork, obstructions etc and will feel more able to deal with them more easily. Forewarned is forearmed.
- Teaching Aids: Anything you need to use for teaching should be at hand and well organised. Not being able to find what you want during the ADI Part 3 exam will look unprofessional.
- Word Picture: As each phase starts the SE will give you a “word picture”. The word picture is a role that the SE will be playing. Listen to the word picture carefully and jot down the main points. After the word picture, Q&A session with the SE is important. This may assist you in discovering some driving faults the SE will make even before you set off.
- Template: Use your driving experience as a template, any driving faults the SE simulates that’s a deviation from that is a driving error.
- Directions: During the ADI Part 3 exam, the SE will give you directions which you have to repeat back. Before you repeat the direction back to the SE, turn your head and look at him as you repeat the directions. It could be the moment when he decides to simulate a driving fault such as not checking his mirrors, coasting etc. Watch the SE like a Hawk for the full 60 minutes.
- Do everything after the SE: Put your seatbelt on after you have seen the SE putting on his/her seatbelt. Check the blind spot after you have seen the SE check his/her blind spot. Check to the right and left at junctions after you have seen the SE doing the same. It’s vital that you observe your “pupil” or SE doing the right thing before you do it yourself, otherwise you will not know if your pupil or SE has followed the correct procedure.
- Briefs: At the begging of Phase 1 you should give a short brief. The brief should be “brief” and only include points listed in PST26 marking sheets for that particular session. You are not expected to try to include in the briefings, every single element you can think of relating to the subject. “A brief should be like a women’s skirt: short enough to be interesting and long enough to cover the essentials”.
- Don’t offer any demonstrations: You don’t have the time, besides you may set a too high standard for your “pupil”.
- Keep control: During the Part 3 exam it’s very easy to let errors escalate and before you know all control is lost. As soon as an error is noticed, pull the SE up on it. If the errors are coming thick and fast then ask the “pupil” to pull over on the left. By doing this you can address the errors the “pupil” has made, remedy them and you have regained control.
- Don’t digress: During the test the SE may try asking you questions that aren’t relevant to the task at hand. Don’t be afraid to tell the SE that you will address those questions later but for now “all concentration should be given to the task at hand”.
- Encouragement: Give plenty of praise for things done well. It’s easy to overlook this very important point in the heat of the test. As a driving instructor you are expected to radiate positive approach and drive your “pupil” to improve his/her performance by fault analysis and praise.
- SE “lifelines”: During the test the SE realises that you haven’t spotted a particular fault he/she may throw you a “lifeline” for example…
You are telling the SE what to do in Phase 2 instead of using the Q&A technique… the SE could say something like “I already know that” in effect the SE means… you are teaching him/her like a novice, when he/her is near driving test standard. - Phase 2: Should be introduced with a maximum of 4 relevant questions. Unlike Phase 1, guidance in Phase 2 should be given in the form Q&A. The most important thing is to keep control of the lesson and prevent the SE from committing driver faults by using the Q&A technique. Faults that are committed should be identified, analysed and remedial advice given in the form of Q&A.
- Inability to adapt to the role-play situation and treat the examiner as a learner.
- Inadequate briefing or introduction to the lesson
- Spending too much time on the briefing, leaving inadequate time for effective learning to take place.
- Under-instruction, resulting from expecting too much from the “learner” and not giving enough help for them to improve.
- Over-instruction, resulting from giving too much information and not responding to the “pupil’s” obvious driving ability.
- Lack of control of the lesson by allowing unsympathetic use of the car or unsafe actions on the road with the Phase 1 “pupil”, and not taking opportunities to stop and discuss major problems with the Phase 2 “pupil”. This leads to a “takeover” by the pupil and more and more errors being introduced and going uncorrected.
- Failure to correct minor problems on the move.
- Poor fault assessment and inadequate analysis, leading to failure to give remedial advice or allow practice to improve.
- Failure to use effective Q&A or lack of response to feedback given
- Failure to offer positive praise and encouragement.
- You have got training from an ORDIT trainer with a good track record.
- You stay cool.
- You apply all of the PST.
- Your instruction is all positive with plenty of praise.
- Your “pupil” has improved.
You should pass your ADI Part 3 with flying colours.
“I passed my Part 3 today with grades 6 and 5, thanks to my trainer Simon. The training I received from Simon was always first class. He pushed me when I needed it and always explained everything we did thoroughly. I would highly recommend Simon to anyone who is serious about passing the dreaded ADI Part 3 test.” Mr N Seguenot-Mitcham, Surrey
“Passed part one first time with 98%, part two first time with three faults and a comfortable 1st time pass at part three. Mark prepared me very well and really helped me overcome self doubts for part two and part three. My success is down to Marks colossal efforts to ensure I was ready for both my tests. Thank you Mark and Britannia for helping me become a fully qualified instructor so quickly.” Mr J Ryan –Wimbledon, London
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