Official Register of Driving Instructor Trainers (ORDIT)

This is to certify that: Britannia Driving School Having met the criteria laid down in respect of:-
Premises, vehicles, training and administration by the Driving Standards Agency, and having agreed to abide by the ORDIT Code of Practice, is now included in:
“The Official Register of Driving Instructor Training”
To be on the Government ORDIT Register, as Britannia Driving School has been since ORDIT was formed more than a decade ago, examiners from the Government’s Driving Standards Agency regularly inspect our facilities and thoroughly examine the training provided by our Training Officers.
ORDIT was formed to help people like you locate instructor training facilities and training of the highest standard. You are therefore strongly advised to train only with an ORDIT trainer.
The goal of ORDIT is to protect the public from substandard instructor training, misleading marketing/selling and other unethical business practice.
If an organisation or individual trainer isn’t ORDIT accredited it’s because they do not want to be bound by the ORDIT code of practice-the ORDIT code of practice is there to safeguard the interest of the trainee instructor. On the other hand, it’s simply because they couldn’t reach the required training standards.
There are numerous driving instructor training organisation and individuals in the UK, but only a select few are ORDIT registered.
Britannia Driving School is also a member of the Motor Schools Association, the Driving Instructors Association and founder member of The Driving Schools Association.

- Clearly inform all prospective customers in writing of the services provided, with particular reference to trainers’ qualifications, costs, venue, duration and content in relation to the ADI examination structure. Make adequate provision to acquaint clients with the establishment’s terms of business and have a complaints procedure.
- Take all reasonable care, skill and diligence in training clients in all relevant aspects of traffic and driver educations, taking account of individual training needs and ensuring the safety of students.
- Not discuss information disclosed by a client during training with any other party except where under obligation by law. Not discuss the client’s progress or driving or instructional standard with any other party, except for normal consultation within the establishment. Where the lessons are being paid for by another person or company, the third party shall have the right to information, provided this is given with the client’s knowledge.
- Ensure all vehicles used in training are maintained in a safe and satisfactory condition, and are properly insured, taxed and where appropriate, certified as roadworthy.
- Apply an honest, moral and professional approach in all business practice and avoid improper language, suggestion or physical contact with clients whilst maintaining proper standards of personal hygiene and dress.
- Ensure that professional ADI training complies with the current legislation particularly in respect of business premises and practice, staff, vehicles and public liability. Abide by ORDIT’s Advertising Code and other requirements for the provision of a professional service.
This means that you can approach any of these establishments knowing that they have reached the required standard set down.
If you have any complaints about the standard of training you have received from any establishment in the Register that you cannot settle with them, you may write to the ORDIT Management Committee c/o Driving Standards Agency, Stanley House, 56 Talbot Street, Nottingham NG1 5GU.
For more information or to arrange an interview contact us by phone, email, or by the contact form provided here.
For up to date information on instructor training organisations and trainers on the Register visit: