There are 50 driving theory test questions below, the pass mark is 43 and the test should be completed in 57 minutes or less. Once you have completed the theory test, click on "Submit Answers for Grading" to get your results.
Road narrows on the right
Right hand lane ends ahead
Two way traffic ahead
One way traffic ahead
Turn left
Keep left
Turn left ahead
Park on the left
Contra-flow bus and cycle lane
With-flow bus and cycle lane
Buses and cyclists prohibited
Parking area for bus and cyclists
Signal so that other drivers can slow down for you
Look over your shoulder for a final check
Select a higher gear than normal
A teacher in charge of children who are crossing the road
A farm worker in charge of livestock crossing the road
A school crossing warden
Anyone assisting the driver of a large vehicle to reverse
Stop and wait for the green light
Start moving immediately
Give way to pedestrians waiting to cross
Give way to pedestrians already on the crossing
Traffic lights changing suddenly
Stopping at every junction
Pedestrians crossing in busy, built-up areas
Driving too close to the vehicle in front
Changing gear
Be patient and wait
Sound your horn
Wave them to cross
Drive on
On a narrow country lane
On an open stretch of road
On a busy stretch of road
On a bridge
5 days
7 days
14 days
21 days
Let them know how you feel
Flash your headlights several times
Drive back home
Try not to react
Maintain your speed and prevent the vehicle from overtaking
Touch your brakes to show your brake lights
Accelerate to maintain a gap behind you
Allow the vehicle to overtake
Vehicles may pass either side to reach the same destination
Road splits into two lanes ahead
Park on either side of the road
Deviation to the left
Slippery road
Cars skidding ahead
Drunk drivers ahead
They only operate during rush hours
It is controlled by traffic lights
It is controlled by two flashing lights
Cyclists can use it
Pull down your sun visor
Close your eyes
Stop or slow down
Flash your headlights
Drop back further
Try to overtake both vehicles
73 metres or 240 feet
53 meters or 175 feet
60 metres or 200 feet
96 metres or 315 feet
Up to five times greater
No different
Fire engine
Make sure you are travelling at 70mph
Stop at the end of the acceleration lane
Come to a stop before joining the motorway
Give way to traffic already on the motorway
To leave a lower gear available in case of wheelspin
To help prevent wheelspin
So that wheelspin does not cause your engine to run too fast
To help you slow down quickly when you brake
30 mph
The speed limit has been abolished
60 mph
70 mph
You must park at least half of your vehicle on the pavement
You must park with parking lights on
You must park facing opposite the traffic flow
The road must have speed limit of 30 mph or less
Two-way traffic crosses one-way street
Two-way traffic
Equal priority ahead
Give way to oncoming vehicles
Pedestrians only
No pedestrians
Pedestrians standing
Zebra Crossing
Bend to the right
Change to opposite carriageway
Double bend
Bend to the left
Assume the lights are stuck
Alert drivers behind you
Proceed with caution
Improve the road holding
Make it necessary to drive in a higher gear
Make the steering lighter
Reduce stability
A police car
A caravan
An ambulance
Any vehicle built before 1970
Variable speed limits
Allowing only certain vehicles on the motorway during rush hours
National speed limits
Lane closures
Your gear-box
Vehicle handling
Engine temperature
Fuel consumption
Sharp deviation of route to right
Diversion ahead, turns right
One way street to the right
At any time
At night
If a cyclist is using it
During its period of operation
On the near side lane of a motorway
On a clearway
Where there is a single broken yellow line
On a zig-zag line on a zebra crossing
To attract a friend's attention
To warn others of your presence
To warn someone you are about to overtake them
40 mph
50 mph
Third party, fire and theft
Third party only
Damage which is your fault
10 meters
12 meters
15 meters
20 meters
Hazard warning lines
Other drivers flashing their lights
Variable message signs
An emergency vehicle
The roads are safe after being gritted
Gritting ensures the roads are not slippery
Gritting is a waste of time and money
In freezing conditions take care even if the roads have been gritted
Switch your radio off
Remove any sunglasses
Close sunroof
Change down into first gear
You are with qualified driving instructor
You don't exceed 50 mph
You hold a full driving licence
You are asked to do so by a police officer
Select reverse gear
Give an arm signal
Keep both hands on the wheel
Apply the handbrake and footbrake together
Five years after the date it was issued
10, 000 miles
One year after the date it was issued
30, 000 miles
In a one-way street
Just after a bend
On a 30 mph road
Approaching a dip in the road
Not put yourself at risk
Go to those casualties who are screaming
Pull everybody out of their vehicles
Go round and take details
Traffic on the major road
Traffic going straight ahead
Traffic turning left