There are 50 driving theory test questions below, the pass mark is 43 and the test should be completed in 57 minutes or less. Once you have completed the theory test, click on "Submit Answers for Grading" to get your results.
No bicycles being pushed
No entry
No vehicles
Roundabout ahead
No through road
Telephone kiosk
Road closed
Car park ahead
Allows you to corner more quickly
Means it is less likely you will have a collision
Allows the driver to see you in the mirrors
Helps you to keep out of the wind
Steer towards the side of the road
Apply gentle acceleration
Brake firmly to reduce speed
Ease off the accelerator
A vehicle with a trailer
Road works vehicle
An invalid carriage
Blood transfusion
Restrict your view
Help your concentration
Provide entertainment
Improve your driving
After driving over speed bumps
After travelling at high speed
When tyres are hot
When tyres are cold
Flash your brake lights on and off
Accelerate away to increase the gap
Apply your brakes suddenly
Increase the gap between your vehicle and the one in front by slowing down very gently
You decide, using your experience
60 metres (197 feet)
73 metres (240 feet)
96 metres (315 feet)
You, the driver
Whoever services the car
The previous owner
Whoever issued the current MOT
So you know where youre going
To warn you of oncoming traffic
To enable you to change lanes early
To prevent you changing lanes
Accelerate past quickly and sound your horn
Brake sharply and flash your headlights
Slow down and wave the cyclist across
Slow down and be prepared to stop for a cyclist
Pedestrians in road ahead
Pedestrian crossing
No pedestrians
Accompany all children
Narrow vehicles only
No large vehicles
No vehicles over width shown
No vehicles over 7.5 tonnes
Police Car
Emergency vehicles
Road-sweeping vehicles
Use your hazard flashers
Use your rear fog lights
Use dipped headlights
Drive in any lane with no traffic
Overtake the motorcyclist immediately
Keep well back
Change lanes
Keep close to the motorcyclist
Not drive unless you have a mobile phone
Drive only when your journey is short
Not drive unless it is essential
Increase your speed
Be wary of a sudden gust
Drive alongside very closely
Overtake at the very last minute
The rider is put in the recovery position
The riders helmet is not removed
The rider is moved to the side of the road
The riders helmet is removed
Battery life
Journey time
Sports car
Old car
Estate car
Long vehicle
Ordinary door mirrors
Ordinary interior mirror
Extended-arm side mirror
Interior wide-angle-view mirror
No entry for vehicular traffic
Coach parking
Gated road ahead
Level crossing with gate
Cattle grid with gate
For coaches only
An overtaking lane
The right-turn lane
An acceleration lane
18 years old
Doesn't matter, as long as he/she has been driving for 5 years
20 years old
21 years old
Use your horn
Reverse slowly
Rev your engine
Get out and check
Crawler lane
Overtaking lane
Acceleration lane
Bus lane
A child seat
An adult holding a child
An adult seat belt
A carry cot fixed to the seat with a belt
When an MOT is due
After 28 days
Only when you insure it
Towed caravans
High-sided vehicles
Primary roads
Tourist directions
Minor routes
Motorway routes
Ahead only
One way street
Dual carriageway
Traffic both ways
National speed limit applies
End of speed limit
Travel at any speed
Switch off the fog lights
Reduce your speed
Switch off the demister
Look in the rear view mirror
Turned to the left
Turned to the right
Parallel to the kerb
It's not important
Switch on the heated rear window
Look at the door mirrors
Use a mobile phone
Listen to the radio
The one with the least traffic
Other drivers
Traffic wardens
The larger vehicle
No one has priority
The faster vehicle
The other vehicle
Flashing amber
Steady amber
Sound the horn
Give an arm signal
Flash your headlights
Move as far right as you can before turning
Registration document
Driving license
Insurance certificate
MOT certificate
Driving licence
Road tax disc
Vehicle registration document
Overtake on the side that is clearest
Try to keep above 50mph to prevent congestion
Use the lane that has least traffic
Keep to the left lane unless overtaking
Staggered junction
Left turn only
Sharp deviation of route to left
Sharp temporary deviation of route to left
Brake before turning
No left turn