There are 50 driving theory test questions below, the pass mark is 43 and the test should be completed in 57 minutes or less. Once you have completed the theory test, click on "Submit Answers for Grading" to get your results.
Level crossing without barrier and more than one railway line
Level crossing without barrier
Half-barrier automatic level crossing
Full-barrier automatic level crossing
A junction
A school crossing patrol
Road works
Level Crossing
On an unfamiliar road
In a one-way street
On a 30 mph road
Approaching a dip in the road
Never reverse from a side road into a main road
Never reverse from a main road into a side road
Where possible reverse out of a driveway
It's ok to reverse your car for longer than necessary
There may be another vehicle coming
They may not be looking
Pedestrians don't like it
They may not be ready to cross
They are in a carrycot
They are in an appropriate child restraint
They are on an adults lap
They are on an approved booster cushion
They use diesel power
They use quieter roads
They use electric power
They are low on petrol consumption
10 meters (33feet)
15 meters (49 feet)
20.5 meters (67 feet)
30 meters (98 feet)
Two times
Four times
Five times
Ten times
Between the hours 11pm and 7am
When there is a queue of traffic in front of you
To avoid an accident
Not at any time
Stop and take a break
Shout abusive language
Gesture to them with your hand
Call the police
Drive in a lane with no traffic
Use your rear fog lights
Use your hazard lights
Use dipped headlights
End of dual carriageway
Single line traffic ahead
Road narrows on both sides
End of single carriageway
contra-flow traffic ahead
Turn left or right only ahead
Two-way traffic crosses one-way road
One-way traffic crosses two-way road
Speed humps
Road Surface
Traffic congestion
Parked vehicles
48 hours
36 hours
24 hours
7 days
8 mph
25 mph
28 mph
38 mph
On the roof of the vehicle
Directly behind the vehicle
At least 150 meters (495 feet) behind your vehicle
At least 45 meters (150 feet) behind your vehicle
Stop road rage
Help overtaking
Slow traffic down
Help ease congestion
Give way to the pedestrians
Wave to the pedestrians to cross
Wave to the pedestrians to stop
Reverse more slowly
The speed limit has been abolished
50 mph
60 mph
70 mph
Incorrect tyre pressure
Your handbrake is still on
Low brake fluid level
Poorly adjusted brakes
If there are no signs, there is no speed limit
By street lighting
By pedestrian islands
By double or single yellow lines
Signal while waiting for a gap in the traffic
Give a signal and move away as soon as someone flashes you
Wait without signalling for a safe gap in the traffic
Edge your way into the traffic until someone gives way to you
Turn left ahead
Turn left
One-way street to the left
Two-way street to left
Minimum speed limit 30mph
Maximum speed limit 30mph
Clearway for 30 miles
You must drive at exactly 30mph
On a dual carriageway
On 'B' roads
On an urban motorway
On a one-way street
Slow down
Speed up
Wait opposite the passing place on the right
Drive into the passing place on the right
Driving licence
Insurance certificate
Road tax applied for
MOT certificate
Turn the steering wheel to the left
Turn the steering wheel to the right
Release the brake and let the vehicle roll to a stop
Release the brake and then re-apply it
Broken bones
One second
Two seconds
Three seconds
Four seconds
Not exceed 60 mph
Not overtake
Stay only in the left lane
Use the outside lane
Drivers moving off without looking
Car doors opening
Pedestrians walking out from between them
All of three options above
Improves the driver's control
Makes steering easier
Reduces the driver's control
Helps you go faster using less fuel
When you park near a junction
When you need to park on the pavement
When you have broken down
When you wish to stop on double yellow lines
Roads merge ahead
Dual carriageway ends
Tunnel ahead
Temporary Lane Closure
Permanent Lane Closure
No Overtaking
Cruise control
Quick acceleration
Emergency stops
Fuel economy
70 years of age
65 years of age
60 years of age
for ever
Car drivers
Old people
take suitable medicine before driving
Shorten the journey if you can
Not drive
Promise yourself an early night
Interior wide-angle mirror
Extended-arm side mirror
The wing mirrors
Ordinary interior mirror
On a one way street
Just before you turn left
Just before you turn right
Not steer at all
Steer away from it
Steer into it
Apply your handbrake
Bad weather
Driver error
Turning right only
Mechanical failure
100 mph
Only when your exit road is clear
Only when there are less than two vehicles in front
Whenever you need to turn right
Whenever the traffic lights show green
Pedal cycles only
No cycling
Recommended route for pedal cyclists
Parking bay for cyclist
Automatic half barrier level crossing
Level crossing with no gates
Dis-used level crossing
Train station