There are 50 driving theory test questions below, the pass mark is 43 and the test should be completed in 57 minutes or less. Once you have completed the theory test, click on "Submit Answers for Grading" to get your results.
No right turn
Give way
Right turn ahead
Bend in the road
Low flying aircraft or sudden aircraft noise
Large airport
Military air space
Used the appropriate indicator
Use the mirrors
Select a higher gear
Flash your headlights
Give way to pedestrians already crossing
Stop and wait for the green light
Give way to pedestrians waiting to cross
Stop. if you can do so safely
Speed up
Slow down
Hold your speed
Give an arm signal to the driver to encourage him to overtake
Some medicine can cause your reaction to slow down
Some medicine may affect your eyesight
Drugs make you a better driver by quickening your reaction
Your insurance company will have to know about the medicine
Engine more fuel-efficient
Exhaust system easier to replace
Engine run quietly
Exhaust fumes cleaner
Prepare to go
Go if way is clear
Stop at the stop line
Go if no pedestrians are crossing
You decide
58 metres (190 feet)
73 metres (240 feet)
96 meters (315 feet)
Mostly blue
Mostly brown
Mostly green
Mostly red circles
Travel at a reduced speed
Always travel at the speed limit
Watch out for speed traps
Only slow down if pedestrians are near
40 mph
50 mph
60 mph
70 mph
Wild animals
Accompanied animals
Farmhouse ahead
Use both lanes
No overtaking
No motor vehicles
Car park
By pointing to children on the opposite pavement
By displaying a red light
By displaying a stop sign
By standing in front of your vehicle
Engine temperature
Your speed
The distance travelled
Tyre pressure
Lorries are longer than cars
Lorries may suddenly pull up
The brakes of lorries are not as good
Lorries are slower than cars
Young adults
Middle aged adults
Young children
Those in wheelchairs
The road surface is slippery
You will be dazzled by other headlights
The engine will take longer to warm up You will be dazzled by other headlights
It is more difficult to see events ahead
Yellow lines
Zig-zag lines
Double white lines
Single white lines
With the traffic flow
Facing oncoming traffic
In the direction shown on the marker posts
Towards the next slip road
Switch on your hazard warning lights
Rev your engine
Drive on quickly
Expect the cyclist to move into the road without warning
In a one-way street
With your sidelights on
More than 10 metres (32 feet) from a junction
Under a lamp post
Double bends ahead
Series of bends ahead
Double bend to the left
No u-turn
Vehicles except motorcycles, scooters and mopeds
Motorcycles have preference over cars
Continue in that lane and look for further information
Move into another lane in good time
Pull on to the hard shoulder
Look and see what the vehicles in front are doing
Your power steering system has failed
You are steering whilst the car is stationery
The tyres are losing their grip on the road
You tyre pressures are low
As much as the court decides
Driving in the rain
Driving at night
Driving in the fog
Driving in strong winds
Give them a drink
Not leave them alone
Offer them a cigarette
Take down the details
Sound your horn to let the pedestrians know you are there
Carry on. The pedestrians should give way to you
Give way to the pedestrians who are already crossing
Stop and wave the pedestrians across
The driver of the vehicle
The owner of the items being carried
The person who loaded the vehicle
The Health & Safety Executive
Inverted triangle
2 seconds
10 seconds
5 minutes
2 minutes
Your overall stopping distance
Ten car lengths
10 metres (33ft)
100 metres (330ft)
Special bridge
River crossing
Quayside or riverbank
Scrap yard for cars
Available width of headroom
Height limits (e.g. low bridge)
No vehicles over length shown
No vehicle over 7.5tonnes
In the vehicle handbook
In the Highway Code
In your vehicle registration certificate
On the dashboard after you have attached the trailer
The right hand edge of the carriageway
The left hand edge of the carriageway
The separation of the lanes
The slip road off the motorway
Make it harder to hear the caller
Increase your concentration
Reduce your view
Divert your attention
any lane
All crossings
Clearway. No stopping
Restrictions on parking
Only applicable to lorries drivers
Restriction on weight of vehicle
Battery acid
Distilled water
Engine oil
Tap water
Wait a few seconds before proceeding
Creep forwards until you can see and proceed when safe
Stop at the line and wait until you see
Stop at line and sound your horn
Overtake them as soon as possible
Flash your headlights to indicate that it's safe for them to proceed
Be patient and prepared for them to react more slowly
Sound your horn to warn them of your presence
By mounting both pavements carefully
In a wide one-way street
On a motorway, when it is safe
When it is safe on a wide road
Camping ground
Caravans only
No towed caravans
Danger for caravans
With-flow cycle lane
Contra-flow cycle lane
Pedal cycle route
No pedal cycles