Continuous Driving Development

If you are a learner driver, you may well be struggling through the chore of your driving lessons each week, as well as cramming all your revision in for the upcoming Theory and Practical tests. In this case, the last thing you want to do is to extend your period of driving education any further […]

Angriest Time to Drive

Driving can be a great joy at times, giving you a sense of independence and freedom you just wouldn’t get unless you were behind a wheel. Of course however, it can also be a source of great frustration, causing even the most mild-mannered of motorists to turn red with road rage at times. Researchers have […]

Self-Driving Cars To Hit Roads in UK

There are a series of new projects in the pipeline to help bring self-driving cars to the Britain, the UK Government has announced. £20 million have been awarded to eight new projects, out of a total of £100 million form the autonomous car fund, to help the research and development needed for driverless cars to […]

The Future of Google Maps

As drivers in the 21st century, almost all of us with be familiar with some sort of technology we use to help us on our driving journeys, whether it be a sat-nav, a tom-tom, or a mobile app to give us directions or traffic updates. However tech giants Google have now developed their Android Google […]

Facebook More Dangerous Than Drink-Driving

Motorists checking Facebook and updating Twitter are seen as a bigger menace than drink-drivers, according to new research. Distracted drivers using social media services like Facebook and Twitter are now seen as a great threat to road safety than drink-driving. This is according to startling research published by the Institute of Advanced Motorists in its […]

Drunk Driver Hides In Nativity Scene

A man suspected of drink-driving has tried to escape police by hiding in a nativity scene. After crashing his Mini Cooper through the metal barriers of the A659, just outside of Tadcaster, North Yorkshire, the man attempted to hide from police in a large shed housing a nativity scene. North Yorkshire Police confirmed they were […]

Should The Drink-Drive Limit Be Cut?

Two-thirds of motorists who drive after drinking alcohol would not have drink at all if the drink-driving limit was reduced, according to a survey. The Populus survey findings have prompted alcohol and public health campaigners to urge minister to impose Scotland’s lower limit across the rest of the UK. The legal blood-alcohol limit in England, […]

Passing First Time Doesn’t Make You A Safe Driver

Those who take three attempts to pass their driving test are the safest drivers on the road. By contrast, ‘overly confident’ motorists who pass their driving test first time around are most likely to be in an accident. That is because they seem to be more ‘rash’ in their behaviour and take more risks compared […]

Details on the Driving Test

Many young and learner drivers have heard lots of information about the practical driving test – From how nerve-racking it can be in the run up to the test, to the best ways to prepare for the test – But time after time, examiners are baffled by how little many candidates actually know about what […]

Drivers Phone Families in the Car

Nearly a quarter of drivers have broken the law by talking to their families while behind the wheel, research from road safety charity Brake has revealed. Almost a quarter (23%) of drivers have talked to family on the phone while driving while one-in-seven drivers (15%) have talked to friends on the phone while driving. Meanwhile, […]