March 5, 2010


A quick thinking employee saved a petrol station in Raynes Park, Wimbledon from being seriously damaged by flames.

A man from Croydon in Surrey was thought to have ignited a fuel pump and spray fuel over the petrol station forecourt. Police were called to the scene immediately as there were fears for the nearby houses and vehicles.

One unlucky resident was told that her Ford Prefect 1954 had been destroyed in the small blaze. The resident was however, just pleased that the situation was not more serious.

Fire crews from 3 local fire stations had the blaze under control almost immediately and the fuel supply was cut off by an employee as soon as they were aware of the situation.

Natasha Simper of Britannia Driving School said: “The employees working at the petrol station were quick to react and this meant a potentially devastating situation turning into to a minor state of affairs. However, the man in question did destroy somebody’s pride of joy – their car!”

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