January 21, 2010

Surrey County Council to fix potholes caused by snow

Potholes created by the icy weather this month are to be tackled by a new repairs drive by Surrey County Council.

An additional half-a-million pounds is to be invested in mending the new potholes after the cold weather made roads more prone to cracking.

The council has vowed to fix at least 200 potholes a day “until the job is done”.

Dr Andrew Povey, leader of the council, said: “For the past week our highways teams have been working around the clock tackling the snow. Now that most of the snow has cleared our top priority is to tackle, as a matter of urgency, the potholes that have been forming all over the county.”

Motoring association the AA has been calling upon local governments to invest emergency funding into fixing the damage done by the snow.

According to the council, more than 25 repair teams are carrying out the repairs and will bring in additional contractors if necessary.

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