The British Medical Association’s Board of Science published a report on the dangers of second hand smoke in cars. Nearly half of smokers consulted said they would smoke in a car and there is a debate as to how safe this is. Not only has the DSA updated the Highway Code to include smoking  under […]

Please don’t text and drive.

Texting or emailing while driving doubles reaction time and makes drivers more likely to miss a flashing light, according to new research. In a small study, researchers at Texas A&M University’s Texas Transportation Institute studied the impact of texting in an actual driving environment. “Essentially texting while driving doubles a driver’s reaction time,” said Christine […]

The Bieber Gives a Warning

Justin Bieber has launched a campaign to help spread awareness about the dangers of texting and driving, alongside a new phone app. The device disables text and email functions on a mobile phone when it’s in a vehicle moving faster than 10mph. The campaign is working with a foundation set up by the parents of […]


A National Express bus driver from Birmingham has been exposed by a passenger to read a book whilst driving. The passenger filmed the driver holding a small book which meant him steering with his elbows. National Express was of course extremely concerned and took immediate action, suspending the driver who now faces disciplinary action. They […]


Driving a vehicle requires an individual to not only be able to physically control the vehicle but to understand the dynamics and make informed decisions based on road and traffic conditions. In order to drive in a safe way we must not only be able to navigate our way through traffic but to apply the […]

Campaign against texting and driving begins in Slough

A campaign aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of texting and driving has begun in Slough. As part of the initiative, a billboard featuring a mobile phone with the text, “Hi darling, just about to run someone over”, has been put up in Ledgers Road. Police caught 32 drivers using mobiles phones during a […]

New law for using a mobile phone and driving

February 2007 saw a new law brought out that penalised the many drivers that were using mobile phones whilst driving. This act seemed to have no affect and until this day, there were drivers who continually used their phones whilst moving in their vehicle. According to a national report, it found that 40% of the […]