Emergency Vehicles

Upon hearing the wail of an approaching siren, drivers will instinctively do what they can to move out of the way as fast as possible. Even though this is ideally the right thing to do, you still run the risk of being hit with a hefty fine – purely because road laws still apply in […]

Seat Belts Save Lives

It’s common knowledge that seat belts save lives – in fact they reduce the risk of death in car crashes by up to 45%. Even when going on short, familiar journeys at low speeds you are still putting your safety and the safety of others at risks if you do not wear a seat belt […]

Improper Footwear When Driving

There’s a fair amount of uncertainty regarding whether it’s against the law to drive barefoot, in flip flops or stiletto heels. The Highway Code states that motorists must not wear footwear that compromises their ability to use the vehicle foot controls properly. Specifically, Rule 97 of the Highway Code states that before setting off on […]

Good Luck On Your Driving Tests!

If you’re preparing for your driving test, we here at Britannia would like to wish you good luck! Hopefully you feel ready to tackle the big day, and you are fully up to speed on your manoeuvres, you have revised your highway code and are ready to answer any show me, tell me questions you’re […]

Help! I’m Nervous About My Driving Test!

A lot of people, understandably, tell us that their struggling to adjust to the challenges of learning to drive. When you start out there is a lot to learn, from getting familiar with the car that you’re driving, to remembering the Highway Code and learning about the different manoeuvres. We have wrote about this before […]

Three Cheers For Britannia Driving School!

As a learner driver, you may well be eager to learn as much as you can about the skill of being behind the wheel. IT may be to do with mastering those manoeuvres or getting to grips with clutch control – Or it could be finally cracking the highway code! Whatever it is you’re struggling […]

Overcoming Driving Anxiety

Learner drivers often struggle to adjust to the challenge of learning to drive. After all, there is a lot to learn – From the various manoeuvres, memorising the highway code, and adjusting your driving style for different road conditions – But one thing you definitely don’t need holding you back is driving anxiety. Here at […]

Best People To Practise With

As a learner driver, you are likely looking to maximise your chances of passing your theory and practical tests on the first attempt. This may mean endless hours of revising the highway code, or staying put behind the wheel until you have finally mastered that tricky manoeuvre you’ve been struggling with! Believe it or not, […]

Is Learning To Drive Easy?

For many people, learning to drive is the easiest thing in the world. Being behind a wheel comes naturally to them, and the Highway Code is like a second language. But what about those who struggle to master the skills require to pass the driving test? What exactly makes these types of people different, and […]

Online Driving Resources

Here at Britannia Driving School, we know that learning to drive can sometimes feel like an uphill struggle. Because of this, we have made it our mission to strive to make the process as easy and as smooth for you as possible, to help you get onto the road in no time. Some of the […]