July 16, 2009

Old vs Young Drivers

Almost a third of 45 to 64-year-olds admitted to driving while potentially over the drink-drive limit compared with only 24% of 17 to 24-year-olds, its survey found.

However, more than a quarter of 17 to 24-year-olds occasionally send text messages while at the wheel, with 5% being frequent texters.

And one in four of these young drivers have been in a car when they believed the person at the wheel was under the influence of drugs, while 10% of 17 to 24-year-olds admitted being under the influence of drugs themselves while driving.

“Younger drivers have many good habits that bode well for the future of motoring, but their attitude towards drug-driving is worrying, particularly as the number of fatal accidents involving drugs has increased by 28% in recent years.

“For other motorists, there’s still work to do on tackling the drink-drive culture, and raising awareness of environmental driving issues.”

The Government needs to listen to the voice of the new generation of motorists. They want more clear and accessible information on the effects of drugs, the reality of the drink-drive limit and the ‘morning after’ risks.

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