When a pupil goes up on test not only do they need to ensure they have all the correct documents with them but also that the car is roadworthy.
An examiner will carry out brief checks before allowing the test to go ahead. General checks include conditions of the tyres, that there is no visible sign of damage, parts hanging off the car, L-plates are clearly visible and no cracks in the windscreen.
They will then check the car is legal to drive by inspecting the tax disc. The tax disc must have the vehicles correct details and it must be in date. Even if a tax disc is new, if it has not yet started it will not be accepted.
The registration plate must also be legal, both front and back plates must match and they must be clearly visible from any objects or dirt.
Although there are no guidelines regarding the cleanliness of the car, it is important that the car is clean and clear of any hazardous objects.
The main responsibility lies with the instructor however, if a pupil is hiring their car, it does not harm the pupil checking the car before test and raising any concerns.
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