Are Automatic Cars Better For Nervous Drivers?

Taking lessons can be a very overwhelming experience for first time learners, it can be a daunting for more experienced learners too. The thought of having to control the pedals, gears and maneuvering a vehicle, especially in traffic can be anxiety inducing. Leading some learners to ponder if automatic cars could cater to their needs […]

Attention Nervous Drivers

A lot of new drivers are worried about their first time behind the wheel, but here at Britannia Driving School we have some tips to help ease our nerves. Get to know the vehicle you’ll be driving, if that means asking to open the bonnet and get to understand the basic workings and running’s of […]

Don’t Be A Nervous Driver!

As a new or learner driver, you are likely a little apprehensive behind the wheel. This is understandable – Learning to drive isn’t the easiest thing in the world, and there is a lot to learn along the way. One of the best things that you can do to help yourself improve as fast as […]

Help! I’m Nervous About My Driving Test!

A lot of people, understandably, tell us that their struggling to adjust to the challenges of learning to drive. When you start out there is a lot to learn, from getting familiar with the car that you’re driving, to remembering the Highway Code and learning about the different manoeuvres. We have wrote about this before […]

Nervous Drivers

I have met so many people who have passed their test but are too scared to driver. Some are even fearful of driving. This I feel, is a great shame. As a nation I do think that we are too reliable on our cars and I believe we should make more use of public transport […]

Karishma S (13th May 2024)

As a nervous driver, Jon made me feel safe and confident in the car at all times. I never had to worry about intimidating drivers, or potentially dangerous situations, as he always taught me how to navigate them safely. I would really recommend Jon as an instructor and Brittania Driving School in general. When some […]

Driving Test Common Fails

The Silent Killer: Forgetting to Signal Picture this: you’re cruising through your driving test with confidence when suddenly, the examiner scribbles something down on their clipboard. The reason? Failing to signal when changing lanes or turning. It may seem like a minor slip-up, but it can be the difference between a pass and a fail. […]

Nafeesa Nisar (7th February 2024)

Wow, what a turnaround! I have passed yesterday FIRST TIME ,I found this amazing instructor Drew who was a total game-changer. He is patient, super clear with instructions, and really knew how to boost my confidence behind the wheel. Each lesson was tailored to my pace, and I never felt rushed. Thanks to his encouraging […]

Katie Edwards (26th September 2023)

Couldn’t recommend my instructor James enough. Such an amazing driving instructor beyond supportive, I was very nervous to learn after a bit of a bad experience learning previously and James was so helpful at reassuring me, completely calm and collected too and really helped calm my nerves throughout the lessons up until test day where […]

Overcoming Driving Anxiety

  Learning to drive can be a anxious time for many first time drivers, The thought of learning a new skill can be daunting. I should know, i was one of them! In this blog i am going to give you some advice and tips on combating the nerves and getting yourself on the road. […]